Hurricane risks are building in many areas. Homeowners who live in and around coastal areas should consider the investment in higher protection for their home. Home insurance can help cover hurricane damage. However, you should invest in a quality policy designed for hurricane risks. Not all policies will meet this goal. What can you do to ensure you have appropriate protection?

Know the Risks to Your Home
The Insurance Information Institute provides a great deal of information about the risks associated with hurricanes. Are you at risk?
- Did you know that, in 2014, homeowners in five states felt the impact of Hurricane Matthew?
- In 2017, people in nine states felt the impact of Hurricane Ike.
- In 2017, there were 17 named storms in the United States. Of those, six turned into major storms of at least a category 3.
And, a study from 2013 found that there were 4.2 million homes at risk of hurricane damage. There is an estimated $1.1 trillion worth of property at risk in these areas. Considering all of this, it is clear. Many homes are at risk for hurricanes, and you must do what you can to protect the home.
Know What Your Policy Offers
Your home insurance needs to protect your property from any risks associated with it. If you live on the coast, you may already expect to have a higher level of risk from hurricanes. However, hurricanes extend inland as well. The damage from a storm can move into land significantly. Even if it is not a hurricane when it hits your area, it may be able to do significant damage. As a result, it helps to speak to your home insurance agent about your risks.
- Does your area need hurricane protection on your home insurance policy?
- Does your current policy limit damage from wind or storms like hurricanes? Should you research expanded coverage, then?
- Does your area need flooding insurance? Most insurers do not include flood coverage in standard home insurance policies.
- What steps can you take to make your home safer from hurricanes?
- Does your agent offer specific hurricane coverage for high-risk areas?
Customize your home insurance policy. Be sure it matches the risks you face in any area. Then, be sure to update this coverage regularly. From year to year, monitor hurricane conditions in your area. Are the risks growing? Are storms more violent and destructive? If so, you may wish to extend your coverage further. Having ample protection can help minimize your financial loss. It also helps ensure your home remains a valuable asset.